How to prevent cockroaches in kitchen cabinets

Kitchens are a place regularly used to make food, and having cockroaches dwell in them can be very frustrating and disgusting. Apart from these insects being a carrier of germs and diseases, it is very unhealthy to use harmful chemicals in cabinets to kill such insects that in turn affect our utensils. So, preventing them from entering the kitchens is much easier and healthier than eradicating them.

Here are 7 ways to prevent a cockroach infestation in your kitchen cabinets. 

§  Eliminate food sources and keep cabinets clean

Removing the food source is the first step in preventing cockroaches from dwelling in your cabinets. These food particles attract cockroaches and other insects, and it becomes difficult to eradicate them. Make sure to get rid of all spillage, grains, and any food residue in your cabinets as much as possible. Also, make it a habit to clean your cabinets regularly to get rid of any food sources.  

§  Seal all gaps

Small holes in cabinets act as entry points for cockroaches; these insects can use tiny holes and cracks to enter your cabinets. Hence, make sure to seal all gaps in and near your kitchen cabinets. Look for any gaps in the edges of the cabinets. Secondly, look for gaps between the countertops and the cabinets. Different sealants are easily available at hardware stores and can be used.      

§  Prevent moisture

Moisture attracts cockroaches; they are said to easily survive on a lack of food but not water. Hence, your cabinets must be kept moisture-free as much as possible. Fix all water leakages in your kitchens, and do not let water stand in your cabinets. Also, make sure to completely dry your dishes or utensils before placing them in your cabinets. Further, the wood rots due to moisture buildup. If there is any rotten wood in your kitchen cabinets, go for its urgent replacement.

§  Maintain a lower temperature

Cockroaches love a lower temperature and therefore infest our kitchens in warmer weather. The kitchen temperature usually gets high during cooking. However, after cooking, make your kitchen cool down quickly using efficient ventilation. The outside temperature cannot be controlled, but the home temperature should be controlled through room coolers or air conditioners.

§  Try natural repellants

Bay leaves and lemon juice are generally used to keep insects away. Bay leaves release essential oils whose scent helps keep away insects. These natural repellants not only prevent cockroaches but also are an alternative to harmful chemicals in insecticides.

§  Say no to unwashed utensils overnight

Dirty utensils near the cabinets attract insects. Therefore, make it a habit of cleaning the dishes regularly after cooking. People generally don’t have the habit of cleaning utensils after every meal and mostly wash the utensils once a day.

§  Remove unessential stuff

Most kitchen cabinets are cluttered with non-essential items of crockery, utensils, boxes, etc. This clutter provides cockroaches an ideal place to hide. Hence, remove all not essential stuff in your cabinets which will not only prevent cockroaches’ infestation but also make your cabinets easy to clean and use. In addition, the old appliances form an ideal home for cockroaches. So, they call for a thorough clean-up or disposal if not in use.


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