updating a kitchen

What is the first thing to do when updating a kitchen?

Are you updating a kitchen, well the first thing you should do when remodeling your kitchen is critical because you want to save time and money by doing the correct steps first.

Remodeling a kitchen can be a tough job but the results will compensate your hard work. We want to help you achieve a successful kitchen remodel so we made a brief informative article of what the first thing to do is when updating a kitchen.

Design Your Kitchen Space

What not to do first  when updating a kitchen

A lot of people think that the first step to updating a kitchen is to start demolishing your kitchen cabinets and tearing out your old countertops and floors. Even though that sounds like fun you never want to start a remodel by removing anything first. 

The reason why you shouldn’t start tearing the kitchen out first is because in a perfect world you can get all the material you ordered on the same day or week but unfortunately that is not the case. All the material needed for kitchen remodels come from 100’s of different manufactures that are collaborating their efforts to create a service for updating new and pre-existing kitchens with their new products. 

Manufacture Delays Explained

Real life delays occur in every day scenarios , so when one manufacture slows down or decides to discontinue any line of products that you were counting on then you will find yourself in a delay. The ugly truth about delays is that they end up costing you more money the longer they last.

How to avoid Manufacture Delays

The single and most actionable solution to this potential catastrophic series of events is to simply choose to purchase material that is currently available in stock around your local area. This will increase productivity speed and offer you the best results. If you do not like your local options then consider ordering the supply line you like in advance.

What to do first when updating a kitchen

The first step when updating a kitchen is always going to be the design process. Here is a good method and series of events that will help you accomplish your renovation.

How to design your kitchen

You will need help from a professional designer if you want to achieve the best results for your kitchen. A good designer can be an interior designer, architect, or contractor. They will know what looks good together and what really works, not only because they have job titles but because they have done this hundreds of times and can really help you make this part easier.

Why can’t I just design my kitchen with stuff I like? Reason for that is because everything you like and would love to have in your kitchen doesn’t mean everyone else will also enjoy so to avoid unpleasantries there is a real simple way to get balance. The universal kitchen concept design layout.

The universal design strategy is a solution that will involve some of the characteristics you are looking for that make you happy and with the help of an experienced professional in the field you can achieve a balanced look that will make you happy and that will keep your guests surprised with what great taste you have. After all having company to enjoy your new kitchen is what it’s all about.

Updating a kitchen checklist to keep in mind

  • Installing New Cabinets / Refacing Cabinets $_____
  • Cabinet hardware Pulls or Knobs $____
  • New Sink bowls or plumbing $_____
  • Wood Floors, Tiles, Or etc. $_____
  • Kitchen Appliances that match $_____
  • Restroom Faucets + more $_____
  • Backsplash Tile or Finish of Choice $_____
  • Drywall or Replacing Sheep rock $_____
  • LED Light fixtures/ Regular Lights $_____
  • Wall and Trim Paint + Primer $____
  • Hood Vent for Range $_____
  • Countertop Stones or Engineered Rocks $_____
  • Home Inspections If moving walls, electrical, plumbing etc. $____
  • Big Renovation Permit costs $____
  • Other Fixtures/ Same Suit Furniture/ Fresh Decorations $____

Take Away

We hope that you have enjoyed this information and you decide to take action soon on updating your kitchen. Just remember to have your plan in place before starting to take your kitchen apart. 

If you would like to see a brief video of how kitchen cabinets and even some countertops are installed check out this video below.